The Minas Vizca covers an area of approximately 100 hectares and covers old mine workings from the late 60’s and early 70’s. The property was acquired in 2021 by application with the Ministry Mines. The property has good access and is located near a paved highway.

The underlying geology consists of the prospective Tertiary volcanics belonging to the Calipuy Formation. Mineralization occurs in numerous polymetallic veins trending east-west. The mineralization is considered intermediate sulphidation and consists mainly Ag-Pb-Zn with minor gold credits.

There are several workings on the property. Mining in the 60’s was concentrated on the main working where historical records show that 18,434 tonnes were extracted from a 1-metre-wide vein averaging 11.78 ounces Ag/MT and 2.59% and 3.77% Zn.

Minas Visca Mine Opening

Mine Opening to the Main Structure

Two historical samples were taken from another subparallel vein and averaged 83 ounces Ag/MT, 11.15% Pb and 17.33% Zn over ½ metre. Company’s geologists could not verify these samples as the working was closed.

The company has taken five samples from the numerous stockpiles shown in the photo. One sample #29 returned 47.82ounces Ag/MT, 0.78 grams Au/MT, 9.25% Pb and 4.93% Zn. The average of the 5 samples taken from the stockpile is 16.5 oz Ag/MT, 0.51 grams Au/MT, 3.06% Pb and 2.13% Zn.  Below is a photo of the stockpiles.

Minas Visca image

Historical reports from the area by Banco Minero del Peru note that a metallurgical sample was taken from the workings that averaged 13.16 ounces silver per tonne (oz/mt Ag) with 2.55 per cent lead (Pb) and 3.77 per cent zinc (Zn). Results from the metallurgical test show that two concentrates can be produced with the first averaging 63.03 per cent Pb, 6 per cent Zn and 317 oz/mt Ag. The second concentrate averaged 61.9 per cent zinc and 7.2 per cent lead. Please note that these results are historic and cannot be verified.